And Again Like I Said Basically Just Stopped Short of Calling Me a Liar

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Phone call Me By Your Proper noun Quotes

Quotes tagged every bit "call-me-by-your-name" Showing 1-thirty of 141
André Aciman
"We rip out so much of ourselves to exist cured of things faster than we should that nosotros get bankrupt by the historic period of 30 and have less to offer each time nosotros start with someone new. But to experience nothing so every bit not to feel annihilation - what a waste!"
Andre Aciman, Call Me by Your Proper name

André Aciman
"I'm not wise at all. I told you, I know nada. I know books, and I know how to cord words together—it doesn't mean I know how to speak about the things that matter most to me."
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
"Perhaps we were friends starting time and lovers second.
But so perhaps this is what lovers are."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"How wonderful, to walk half drunkard with a Lemonsoda on a muggy night like this around the gleaming slate cobblestones of Rome with someone'due south arm around me."
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
"Oliver was Oliver,' I said, as if that summed things up.

'Parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi,' my father added, quoting Montaigne's all-encompassing caption for his friendship with Etienne de la Boétie.

I was thinking, instead, of Emily Brontë'southward words: because 'he's more myself than I am."
André Aciman, Call Me past Your Name

André Aciman
"What does this say near the life you've lived, and so?'

'Part of it— just role of information technology —was a blackout, merely I prefer to call it a parallel life. Information technology sounds better. Problem is that most of united states have— live, that is—more than than 2 parallel lives."
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
"What I didn't realize was that wanting to test want is nothing more than a ruse to get what we want without albeit that we want it."
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name

André Aciman
"I'm like y'all,' he said. 'I remember everything.'I stopped for a 2nd. If y'all recall everything, I wanted to say, and if you are actually like me, then earlier you lot go out tomorrow, or when y'all're just ready to close the door of the taxi and take already said goodbye to everyone else and there's not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this in one case, plough to me, fifty-fifty in jest, or as an afterthought, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, await me in the confront, hold my gaze, and telephone call me past your proper noun"
André Aciman

André Aciman
"We may never speak about this over again. But I hope you'll never hold it against me that we did. I will have been a terrible father if, one day, you'd want to speak to me and felt that the door was shut or not sufficiently open."
André Aciman, Phone call Me past Your Proper name

André Aciman
"What had been in my head for so long would now be out in the real world, no longer afloat in my foreverland of ambiguities."
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
"And on that evening when we grow older still we'll speak nearly these two young men as though they were two strangers we met on the train and whom we adore and want to help along. And we'll want to call it green-eyed, because to phone call it regret would break our hearts."
André Aciman, Call Me Past Your Name

André Aciman
"Each of us is like a moon that shows simply a few facets to earth, just never its full sphere"
André Aciman, Find Me

André Aciman
"Right now there's sorrow. I don't green-eyed the pain. Just I envy you the hurting."
André Aciman, Telephone call Me By Your Proper noun

André Aciman
"Discover Cupid everywhere in Rome considering we'd clipped one of his wings and he was forced to wing in circles."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"Men!" she finally said, as though that 1 word summed upwards all the shortcomings about women are willing to overlook and learn to put upwards with and ultimately forgive in the men they hope to dearest for the residue of their lives even when they know they won't"
André Aciman, Discover Me

André Aciman
"No, she would say, this one is also young nonetheless, youth has no shame, shame comes with age."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"Existe una ley en algún lugar que dice que cuando una persona está totalmente enamorada de otra, es inevitable que la otra lo esté también. Amor ch'a nothing'amato amar perdona. ."
André Aciman, Phone call Me By Your Name

André Aciman
"But it might have started way later than I think without my noticing anything at all. You see someone, but yous don't really encounter him, he's in the wings. Or you notice him, only cypher clicks, nothing "catches," and before you're even aware of a presence, or of something troubling yous, the six weeks that were offered you have almost passed and he's either already gone or merely about to leave, and you're basically scrambling to come to terms with something, which, unbeknownst to you, has been brewing for weeks under your very olfactory organ and bears all the symptoms of what you're forced to phone call I 'want'."
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Proper noun

André Aciman
"I watched him put the peach in his mouth and slowly begin to eat information technology, staring at me and so intensely that I thought lovemaking didn't get and so far.

"If yous simply want to spit it out, information technology'southward okay, it's really okay, I hope I won't be offended," I said to suspension the silence more than than every bit a concluding plea.

He shook his caput. I could tell he was tasting it at that very instant. Something that was mine was in his oral cavity, more his than mine now."
andre aciman, Call Me By Your Proper name

André Aciman
"(...) Eu queria que ele agisse? Ou eu preferia uma vida de desejo não realizado desde que seguíssemos com esse joguinho de pingue-e-pongue: não saber, saber, não saber, saber? Fique quieto, não diga zero, e se não puder dizer "sim", não diga "não", diga "depois". É por isso que as pessoas dizem "talvez" quando querem dizer "sim", mas esperam que você pense que é "não" quando o que realmente querem dizer é Por favor, pergunte de novo, e depois mais uma vez?"
André Aciman

André Aciman
"I lunged out to grab the fruit from his hand, but with his other hand he caught hold of my wrist and squeezed it hard, as they do in movies, when one man forces another to allow go of a knife."
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Proper name

André Aciman
"We are not written for an instrument alone; I am non, neither are you."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"If there is any truth in the earth, it lies when I am with you, and if I find the courage to speak my truth to yous i day, remind me to light a candle in thanksgiving at every chantry in Rome."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"We rip out then much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time nosotros kickoff with someone new. But to feel cipher so equally not to experience anything – what a waste! (…) How you alive your life is your business. But call up, our hearts and bodies are given to us only once. Most of united states of america tin can't help but live as though nosotros got two lives, i is the mockup, the other the finished version. But there's but one and before you know information technology, your heart is worn out. Right now in that location's sorrow. I don't envy the hurting. But I envy y'all the pain."
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name

André Aciman
"I know cipher Oliver."
André Acimen

André Aciman
"(...) comecei a me perguntar o que todo aquele papo sobre São Clemente tinha a ver conosco - como nos movemos no tempo, como o tempo se movement através de nós, como mudamos east seguimos mudando e voltamos a ser os mesmos. É possível até mesmo envelhecer eastward não aprender nada a respeito disso. Essa era a lição do poeta, imagino. Daqui a mais ou enos um mês, quando eu voltar a Roma, ter estado aqui com Oliver esta noite parecerá totalmente irreal, como se tivesse acontecido com uma versão completamente diferente. East o desejo nascido três anos antes, quando o garoto de recados se ofereceu para me levar a um picture palace barato famoso pelo que acontecia lá dentro, não me parecia menos realizado dali a três meses do que fora três anos antes. Veio. Foi. Nada mais tinha mudado. Eu não tinha mudado. O mundo não tinha mudado. Ainda assim, nada seria igual. Tudo que nos resta é o sonho e a estranha recordação."
André Aciman

André Aciman
"Podía haber negado tantas cosas: que deseaba tocarle las rodillas y las muñecas cuando lucían al sol con aquel viscoso lustre que he visto en tan poca gente; que me encantaba cómo sus pantalones de tenis, cortos y blancos, parecían poseer, de forma permanente, el color del barro y que mientras transcurrían las semanas se convirtió en el colour de su piel; que su pelo, cada día más y más rubio, atrapaba al sol antes incluso de que saliese del todo; que su camisa azul ondulada se volvía más ondulada cuando se le ponía en días borrascosos en el patio junto a la piscina, con la promesa de impregnarse de un aroma a piel y sudor que me la ponía dura con tan solo pensarlo. Podía haber negado todo esto. Y haberme creído mis mentiras."
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name

André Aciman
"Every time you eat a fruit for the outset time that year you lot need to make a wish."
André Aciman, Find me: Finde mich

André Aciman
"... better to find out one time and for all than to spend the residual of the summertime, or my life perchance, arguing with my body..."
André Aciman

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