32-bit Version of Legacy Family Tree Version 8


Enquiry, organize and share your family tree with Gramps.

Gramps is a free software project and community. We strive to produce a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and feature-consummate for professional genealogists. It is a customs project, created, developed and governed by genealogists.


  • 1 Linux
  • ii MS Windows
    • ii.ane Alternative contained installation
      • two.one.1 PortableApps.com
      • 2.ane.two Chocolatey NuGet Package
      • 2.1.3 Granddad for Windows with MSYS2
    • ii.2 Missing other languages
  • 3 macOS
    • 3.1 Alternative independent installation
      • iii.1.1 MacPorts
      • 3.1.2 Homebrew
    • 3.2 Calculation boosted Spell Checking languages on macOS
  • four Linux and BSD distributions
  • 5 Linux: Install latest version
    • 5.1 Debian-based
      • five.1.1 Useful command lines
    • five.2 Flathub
    • 5.3 For other distributions
  • 6 BSD
  • 7 Linux Live CD
  • 8 Online Demonstration
  • ix Notes
  • x Encounter also


Linux 220x261.png

Before upgrading your distribution: Use your earlier version of Gramps to backup your Family Trees to the hardy and portable XML format1.

via Distributions via Flathub Latest version (5.1.v) (advanced users but)

MS Windows

Windows 180x160.png

Before downloading the All-In-One software installer bundle for Windows: Use your earlier version of Gramps to fill-in your Family Trees to the hardy and portable XML format1.

This installer supports Microsoft Windows in all versions Vista/seven and after. The 64-fleck versions of Windows permit more than efficient access to more than resource.

(Please note: Granddad prefers the Python-three.5 and Gtk-3.18 libraries and newer. Those libraries have dropped support for Windows XP. But Grandpa can still be run on Windows XP with earlier library versions, i.due east., Python3.iv.4 and Gtk-three.16)

  • Windows Installer (64-chip) 5.one.5
  • Windows Installer (32-bit) 5.1.five

After download: double-click to install Grandpa.
By default: new releases volition be added in a new directory and before installations of Granddaddy will non be overwritten; the language volition be a mix of British and US English.



During installation, one shortcut is placed on the desktop and two shortcuts are added the Outset bill of fare.
Please simply use the 'console' secondary shortcut when performing diagnostics requested by a developer.
1) GrampsAIOXX 5.1.v ← for normal use of Gramps
GrampsAIOXX 5.1.5-console

Unremarkably, when you endeavour to load your old Family Tree you can allow information technology to be upgraded if necessary, and it will exist opened. Should this neglect for whatever reason, Create a new Family unit Tree and Import the redundancy into this new Tree.

Employ the Windows AIO (All-In-I) version, delight use the download links higher up. For more than information well-nigh private versions, console and debug modes, release notes, etc., look at this folio (English just). Or, you might desire to expect at the description of what is meant past an All In One Bundle.

Alternative independent installation


If needed, there are alternatives to the All-In-Ane installer.


A PortableApps version will run from an external device without the requirement of installing on the Bone drive. PortableApps installations are not for touchscreen-based mobile devices. They just allow the application to run from external storage, USB thumbdrives.

You lot tin download the five.1.five Grandpa Portable version from:

  • the Granddad Portable projection folio in their Educational activity category.

Notation that PortableApps.com also has a Legacy 3.4.9 version of Granddad available -- although it is not recommended for general use; just for recovering older format databases.

  • GrampsPortable_3.iv.nine.paf.exe (29.0 MB)

Portable Gramps from PortableApps.com includes all dependencies required for Windows. Note:You tin can install it on C: then to run Grandpa type C:\PortableApps\GrampsPortable\GrampsPortable.exe (Or the path y'all installed it to) or make a shortcut to that file on your desktop or kickoff-menu. Please written report packaging issues here

Chocolatey NuGet Package

Y'all may also install using the alternative independent Gramps Chocolatey NuGet Package

Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Parcel Managing director, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in heed.

  • Gramps Chocolatey Package

Gramps for Windows with MSYS2

How to use MSYS2 to run latest Grandad evolution version from source in 64bit Windows.

  • Gramps for Windows with MSYS2

Missing other languages

Microsoft Window Granddad AIO Installer Choose Components-Choice window.

The default Granddaddy AIO installer will embed the US dialect of English language for the interface with the British spellcheck dictionary.

If y'all prefer a different language (or spell with the U.s. or Australian dialects of English), please ensure that you pay special attending to the Choose Components phase of the installation.

To install a language other than English, select from both the Translations and Dictionaries during the Cull Components phase of the installation.

Even your chief language is installed past default, y'all might anticipate the need to spellcheck Notes in other than the British dialect of English. Be certain to select the advisable languages from Dictionaries. Gramps will not access your Operating System's native dictionary.

There is no simple facility for adding interface or dictionary languages after installation.


Macos 200x200.png

Earlier downloading the ready-to-run stand-alone bundle: Use your earlier version of Granddaddy to fill-in your Family Trees to the hardy and portable XML format1. Read the before installation instructions.

Tested for compatibility with Apple macOS/Mac Os X versions ten.v (Leopard) through 11 (Big Sur). Assist determining your Operating System version can be institute in the HT201260 Apple tree Back up article.

  • Intel 5.1.5

After download: Double-click the .dmg file to mount the disk (note: your browser may practice this for y'all automatically). Next, drag the Gramps awarding to your application folder and double-click to launch it. (For Apple Mac Os 10, alternatively, yous can click and hold on the disk icon at the top of the window of the mounted deejay, and then pick-drag to the Applications folder. This will create a new folder containing all the files, including the README and NEWS.)

Normally, when you effort to load your former Family Tree you can allow information technology to be upgraded if necessary, and it volition be opened. Should this fail for whatsoever reason, Create a new Family Tree and Import the redundancy into this new Tree.

Alternative contained installation


Alternatively, Gramps can besides be installed on macOS using either the MacPorts or Homebrew package manager systems.


MacPorts is a package managing director for Apple Mac.

  • Mac_OS_X:Build_from_source:MacPorts


Homebrew is an open-source parcel manager for macOS (and Linux).

See https://github.com/homebrew/

Calculation additional Spell Checking languages on macOS


Gramps uses a dissimilar spell checker than the ane provided by Mac Bone X, with dissimilar spelling dictionary requirements. We can't easily provide dictionaries for all of the supported languages in the packet, but they're easily downloaded from OpenOffice.org'south website. Download the language you want and salve information technology, then navigate to the download in Finder. Near browsers have a downloads window that offers "Bear witness in Finder" in its context card. Alter the file extension from oxt to nothing, then from the context card select Open up with... Archive Utility to decompress it. In the decompressed folder or maybe in a subfolder y'all'll find the dictionary files in pairs, foo.aff and foo.dic. Some languages have more than ane pair with a README file to explain why. Select a pair and copy it to /Library/Dictionaries (you'll have to cosign with an ambassador id and password), and if 'foo' isn't already a language or locale code, brand information technology one. For example, the French bundle includes several pairs with names similar fr-moderne.aff and fr-moderne.dic. The spell checker doesn't recognize those names, and then when yous copy them to /Library/Dictionaries you must rename them to fr.aff and fr.dic or fr_FR.aff and fr_FR.dic. You tin have more than than one lexicon pair installed if you utilize several languages, simply ane must match the language you use for Granddaddy or spell checking won't be enabled at all.

Linux and BSD distributions


These packages are congenital and supported by the distros.

If your distribution is not listed you may possibly notice it listed on Repology
Please report any problems with them to the package maintainer.

Almost Linux distributions come bundled with a version of Grandfather, though information technology's not always the nearly recent version and it may not accept been installed by default. Nonetheless information technology is recommended to use the Gramps version that comes with your distribution.

Below are ways to install Gramps on some of the more pop distributions:

Distribution GUI Bundle managing director Current versions Notes
Debianopenlogo-32.png Debian Add together/Remove Software
  • Debian viii ("jessie")(old onetime sometime stable): Gramps 4.1.1
  • Debian 9 ("stretch") (old quondam stable): Gramps iv.ii.5
  • Debian 9 ("stretch")(backports): Grandad v.0.1
  • Debian 10 ("buster") (one-time stable): Granddad five.0.i
  • Debian x ("buster")(backports) (stable): Gramps 5.1.2
  • Debian eleven ("bullseye")(stable): Gramps five.1.3
  • bookworm (testing): Gramps 5.1.4
  • sid (unstable): Grandfather 5.1.four
available versions
Ubuntu 32x32.png Ubuntu Software Centre
  • Bionic Beaver (xviii.04 LTS): Gramps: 5.1.two
  • Focal (20.04 LTS): Grandpa: five.1.3
  • Hirsute (21.04): Granddaddy: 5.1.3
  • Impish (21.10): Gramps: v.1.3
  • Jammy (Evolution: 22.04): Gramps: v.one.3
available versions/ (As well see: Backports)
Farm-Fresh linux mint.png Linux Mint Software Manager
  • nineteen.ten(Grandad 4.2.8)
  • 20.x(Gramps five.1.2)
  • Use the "Software Managing director" to install a contempo version.
  • Manually install the near current version of Gramps using the post-obit instructions from the Linux Mint Forums
  • Quondam versions available from Linuxmint
Fedora 32x32.png Fedora Add together/Remove Software (Gnome)
Software Management (KDE)
  • Rawhide (Gramps v.one.5)
  • Fedora 34 (Gramps five.one.5)
  • Fedora 35 (Grandad 5.1.v)
  • Fedora 35 (Grandpa 5.1.5)
available versions
Mageia drakrpm (or rpmdrake)
  • Mageia Caulron: Granddad five.i.v
  • Mageia 8.0: Gramps 5.i.3
Mageia App Db - gramps
OpenSUSE-distribution-icon.png openSUSE YaST
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed: Gramps 5.1.5
  • openSUSE Leap xv.iii: Grandad 4.2.8
available versions
The most recent version tin can usually be installed from the 'openSUSE BuildService - GNOME:Apps' repository
Slackware-distribution-icon.jpg Slackware
  • 15.0: Gramps ?.?.?
  • 14.2: Grandfather v.i.2 - slackbuilds.org
  • 14.2: Granddaddy 4.ii.6
  • 14.1: Grandad 4.0.iii
available versions
Archlinux-icon-crystal-32.svg Arch Linux pacman
  • Grandad five.i.v
bachelor versions
Gentoo-distribution-icon.png Gentoo Linux
  • Gramps 5.one.four
bachelor versions
  • NetBSD: Gramps 5.ane.five
  • FreeBSD: Gramps 4.2.8
  • FreshPorts: Gramps 5.1.5
  • OpenBSD: Grandpa v.ane.iv
available versions

Linux: Install latest version

If your distribution doesn't transport with Gramps or you wish to install a different version than it ships with, y'all could try to install the latest version of Grandpa manually.


This should but be attempted by experienced users, and after you accept backed upward your Family Tree.

The version of Gramps that has been included in your distribution will accept been tested to work with the components in that distribution. If yous try to install a different version of Gramps in that location is a possibility that the components needed for the new version of Gramps are not bachelor for your distribution, or they are bachelor, but don't work properly. You might not discover that there is a problem till you take already washed some piece of work with the new version of Granddaddy.

If you lot already have Granddaddy installed, and you are only making a 'point' upgrade (i.e. from Gramps ten.y.z to x.y.z+one, e.g. from 5.1.3 to 5.1.5), then information technology is likely but not certain that Gramps volition keep to work. However, if the change is much greater, especially if information technology is a major version change (east.g. from 4.y.z to 5.y.z), and then the danger that it does not work properly is much greater.


For Debianopenlogo-32.png Debian-based linux distributions (Which includes Ubuntu 32x32.png Ubuntu ) Download the .deb file. Double-click on the downloaded .deb file or (for some distributions, e.thou. Mint Debian) run the post-obit command from the directory where the file was saved (modify the filename to match the one yous downloaded).

sudo dpkg -i gramps_5.ane.five-1_all.deb        

If you have an error most having unmet dependencies run:

sudo apt-go -f install        

to install the dependencies.

If yous run across an fault about an incomplete GTK installation and missing language translations when starting Gramps, run

sudo apt install language-pack-gnome-en        

to install the proper language pack. Yous may demand to replace 'en' with your own language lawmaking, like 'nl' for Dutch.

Useful command lines

Before upgrading you tin can[1]:

  • Find out what version yous are running, by using this:
          dpkg-query -s granddaddy        

that queries the parcel and gives you info nearly it.

  • If you are committed to an upgrade then make sure you have backed up you Family unit Trees to Granddaddy XML then run :
          sudo dpkg -r grandpa        

this will remove the current gramps package (assuming its a python3 version older versions could be python-gramps )

  • To stop Ubuntu updating gramps (to possibly an older version from Ubuntu!) you may need to run:
          sudo apt-mark concord gramps        

Upgrade is then complete.


Gramps 5.1.5-1 is bachelor every bit a Flatpak at Flathub.


Please use your existing installation to backup your database earlier proceeding.

Also, it is a good idea to catechumen your database to SQLite even though there is currently BSDDB3 support in the 5.1.v-1 Flatpak.

First fix Flatpak and the Flathub repository on your system, there are instructions for various distributions at https://flatpak.org/setup/

Second, you tin can apply the blue install button at https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gramps_project.Gramps if you set your software manager up to piece of work with Flathub, or utilise the command beneath in a final for a organisation wide installation if you lot have sudo privileges:

flatpak install flathub org.gramps_project.Grandpa        

For other distributions

For other distributions, Download link.png the source and follow the instructions for Linux:Build from source


Bsd daemon.png

Earlier upgrading your distribution: Use your one-time version of Gramps to fill-in your Family Trees [1].

via Distributions Latest version (advanced users only)

See likewise:

  • BSD platforms

Linux Live CD


Note this Linux live CD Sit-in includes Grandfather 3.2.5 an one-time version released 2010-11-17 and information technology is not recommended for general use

Download link.png

Linux live CD Demonstration includes Granddaddy 3.2.five pre-installed to trial, without touching anything on the hard bulldoze. To start this boot the Computer with this Live Linux Desktop on a CD in the CD/DVD-ROM Drive. (Requires that you write this image to a CD-ROM using CD-Burner software eg:Nero, Imgburn, Rufus..). Download the CD (727 MB). The Linux Genealogy CD is based on Ubuntu x.10 (Bohemian Meerkat). If you are interested in Grandpa, merely are afraid to really install it or unable to install it (not your PC, windows, no internet at home, piece of work laptop, ...), then try out our Linux Genealogy CD. It runs without installing on the hd and contains a collection of open source, free, genealogy programs. You tin so install latest Ubuntu and Gramps from the CD anytime y'all like.

Online Sit-in



This is a commercial limited trial and non endorsed by the Gramps-project. Beware of third parties having your genealogical data.

You tin as well try an online demonstration of Grandfather on rollApp:

  • https://www.rollapp.com/app/gramps

Select Launch Online then Test Drive(Opening/saving files volition non exist available)


[1] Fill-in to Gramps XML. You will discover backup in the Family Tree menu of recent Granddad versions, otherwise use consign in the same menu but uncheck privacy options in the Exporter Assistant in order to consign all data. See : How to make a backup

See likewise

  • GitHub folder of Gramps releases
  • Previous releases of Gramps
  • Versions on various platforms


Source: https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php/Download

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