Dark Souls Gesture Gif Deal With It Funny Gif

fire_keeper_gesturesGesturesare a game mechanic that allows players to express emotion or direction. There are a total of thirty-three gestures in Dark Souls 3. Collection of all gestures rewards the player with the Master of Expression trophy.

Certain gestures performed towards the Fire Keeper will result in different reactions from her, such as 'Dignified bow' responding with a bow, 'Legion Etiquette' with a look of consternation, 'Stretch out' with a small laugh, or 'Path of the Dragon' with a twirl.

Icon and Name


~point_forward Point forward

Automatically received.

~point_up Point up

Automatically received.

~point_down Point down

Automatically received.

~wave Wave

Automatically received.

beckon Beckon

Received from Yoel of Londor. Talk to him near the Foot of the High Wall bonfire and take him into your service. Talk to him again in Firelink Shrine to get the gesture.

call_over Call over

Received after you trade with the Pump-a-Rum Crow for the first time.

welcome Welcome

Received from Cornyx of the Great Swamp. Talk to him in the Undead Settlement and accept his services. Then talk to him in Firelink Shrine, leave the conversation, and talk to him again to receive this gesture.

applause Applause

Received from Ringfinger Leonhard:

  1. Talk to him once he appears in Firelink Shrine. He will give you five Cracked Red Eye Orbs.

  2. Talk to him again after acquiring a Pale Tongue and he will give you the Lift Chamber Key.

  3. Unlock the door at the lowest level below the Tower on the Wall bonfire and descend the lift. Kill the Darkwraith to receive a Red Eye Orb.

  4. Talk to Leonhard afterward and he will give you the gesture.

quiet_resolve Quiet Resolve

Received from Anri of Astora near the Church of Yorshka bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, if you are following his/her questline.

jump_for_joy Jump for joy

Automatically received.

~joy Joy

Automatically received.

rejoice Rejoice

Received from Siegward of Catarina after you give him his armor just outside the Cleansing Chapel in the Cathedral of the Deep.

hurrah! Hurrah!

Received after selecting 'Talk' twice to Blacksmith Andre.

praise_the_sun Praise the Sun

Received after praying at the Altar of Sunlight in Lothric Castle. [Video Location]

my_thanks! My thanks!

Received from Knight Slayer Tsorig upon killing him or being killed by him, either as an invader in the Catacombs of Carthus or as an NPC in Smouldering Lake near the lake of fire with the bridge leading to a ladder to the ballista above it.

~bow Bow

Automatically received.

proper_bow Proper bow

Received upon summoning Yellowfinger Heysel in Farron Keep:

  1. Offer a Pale Tongue to Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth.

  2. Yellowfinger Heysel's summon sign will appear next to the tower full of slugs near the Keep Ruins bonfire.


  • Abyss Watchers must still be alive.

  • Giving a Pale Tongue to Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth will cause Sirris of the Sunless Realms' questline to fail and you will not be able to receive the Silvercat Ring, Sunset Armor Set, Sunset Shield, Sunless Talisman, Dragonslayer's Axe, or the Mirrah Chain Set until the next NG cycle. However, she can be killed in Firelink Shrine to receive the Sunless Set and Sunless Talisman from the Shrine Handmaid if her quest has failed.

  • There is a cap of 99 Pale Tongues you can offer. If you reach this limit, you can't offer more, and, consequently, you can't gain this gesture anymore. Pale Tongues used for respecs don't count toward the 99 limit.

dignified_bow Dignified bow

Received from talking to Yuria of Londor.

duel_bow Duel bow

Received upon summoning the Londor Pale Shade once you have five Dark Sigils. Can be summoned near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire for the Abyss Watchers fight, or outside the fog gate for the Pontiff Sulyvahn fight if you are following the Lord of Hollows questline. Note that while the Londor Pale Shade can be summoned for the Soul of Cinder fight, doing this will not grant you the gesture.

legion_etiquette Legion Etiquette

Received from the Old Wolf of Farron after praying to it near the Old Wolf of Farron bonfire within Farron Keep.

darkmoon_loyalty Darkmoon Loyalty

Received from speaking with Sirris of the Sunless Realms in Firelink Shrine after giving the Dreamchaser's Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid.

by_my_sword By my sword

Received from summoning Black Hand Gotthard, either before the Abyss Watchers or Pontiff Sulyvahn fights.

prayer Prayer

Received from Irina of Carim. Talk to her for the first time in the Undead Settlement, and agree to touch her.

silent_ally Silent Ally

Received from Orbeck of Vinheim after purchasing Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, Pestilent Mist, and Spook. Talk to him again after purchasing these spells, and he will give you this gesture.

~rest Rest

Received after resting at a bonfire for the first time.

~collapse Collapse

Received from Hawkwood the Deserter after talking to him for the first time.

patches_squat Patches Squat

Received from Unbreakable Patches. Talk to him in Firelink Shrine, then reload the area and he will be in this pose; talk to him to receive the gesture. Can also be received from Lapp at the beginning of the Shared Grave in The Ringed City at the bottom of the staircase.

prostration Prostration

Received from Unbreakable Patches, after replying "No" when he asks for forgiveness in Firelink Shrine, or after confronting him in the Cathedral of the Deep after he lowers the bridge with "You know who I am".

toast Toast

Received from Siegward of Catarina. Talk to him after defeating the Demon in the Undead Settlement, or talk to him in the kitchen near the Distant Manor bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley if previously missed.

sleep Sleep

Received from Siegward of Catarina. Talk to him after receiving the 'Toast' gesture after defeating the Demon in the Undead Settlement, or talk to him in the kitchen near the Distant Manor bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley after receiving the 'Toast' gesture if previously missed.

curl_up Curl up

Received from Greirat of the Undead Settlement. Give him Loretta's Bone in Firelink Shrine, then reload the area and talk to him to receive the gesture.

stretch_out Stretch out

Found in the Profaned Capital on poor Laddersmith Gilligan's corpse next to the Profaned Capital bonfire.

path_of_the_dragon Path of the Dragon

Found on a Drakeblood Knight's corpse in the hallway past the Oceiros, the Consumed King fight. Gesture required to access Archdragon Peak. [Video Location]


  • The 'Quiet Resolve' gesture was originally from the first Dark Souls trailer, where the character who uses the gesture in the trailer is wearing the Elite Knight Set. The same set is worn by Anri of Astora, who teaches you this gesture.
  • There are several gestures that are performed by NPCs that can not be obtained by the player, most notably the majority of sitting and standing idle poses, the gestures the Fire Keeper does in response to gestures done towards her, and the standing 'Toast' gesture performed by Lapp.


Source: https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Gestures

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